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Why would your child need a screening?

Your child may need a screening if you are unsure about whether or not your child actually needs to be evaluated. A screening is a way to get more information without having to commit to a full evaluation. In a screening, we will use shorter formal and informal measures to determine if further testing is needed. For example, your child might have a few sounds that s/he cannot say in conversation (wabbit for rabbit). A screening can tell us whether or not these errors are normal developmental errors for their age group.

To schedule an appointment, please call 205-319-6484 or fill out the form below.

Please note that our practice specializes in treatment of general language disorders, articulation (including apraxia), phonological disorders, or inconsistent speech disorder. If your child has issues in the areas of feeding, autism, stuttering, or voice, we are happy to screen your child, but will refer you to another respected provider.


Contact Us to Schedule a Screening.