Dear Momma of the little guy who doesn’t talk and doesn’t seem to listen,

You are doing more than you think you are.

Yesterday I sat on the floor in your living room talking to you and watching your little guy run back and forth, jump on and off the sofa, and never make eye contact with anyone. He smiled and played but he didn’t play with us, only around us. You didn’t know what to do. He is two, he isn’t talking, and you are afraid it is your fault.

It isn’t your fault. You did not do this.

Let me start with what he can do. He does call you momma because he is connected to you. He doesn’t really respond to his name but he will turn and look sometimes if you call out to him. He’ll ignore everyone else in the room but he’ll play a game with you.

What does this mean? It means that even though he isn’t talking, he is beginning to pay attention when a person calls out to him. He knows who you are, he knows your name, he can play games, and you are his favorite person. Hands down, every time. Three cheers for Momma.

Connection, this is the key to all the things he can do and all the things he will do.

Connection to you.

Lean into him. Love on him, play games with him, tickle him, chase him, smile with him, laugh with him, and love him. You are the most powerful influence in his life.

Start there.